Garage Doors Dunwoody GA
Block Party This Summer
There’s a lot of great things about summer. But one of the best things about the summer is the annual block party tradition. Most areas engage in some sort of block party festivities every year. And if your doesn’t, it’s the perfect chance to begin what is sure to become a tradition.
The first thing to keep in mind is that the area around your house, including the garage, is the canvas on which you can paint your contribution to the party. This might not seem like a lot to work with at first. But with a surprisingly small amount of work, you can turn your lawn and garage into something really fantastic.
The first thing to do is open up the garage and look for anything that might be fun for the occasion. If you have any plastic tablecloths, chairs, or other lawn furniture, then it’s time to get them ready. But any miscellaneous items that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty can be great for a block party as well.
With a little imagination anything can become a lot of fun. For example, consider the case of a spare tarp. In itself that might not seem very fun. But all you have to do is cut some holes in it, hang it up, and you suddenly have a great ball toss that you can set out on the lawn. You can even make it more fun by putting some point values on each of the holes. Though if you do so, you’ll also want to ensure that the holes have different sizes. More points should always be rewarded to those who make the more difficult shots.
Of course the biggest draw of any block party is the grill. Assuming you have a grill, you should give it a quick once over before taking it out of the garage. It’s important that it’s been properly cleaned and that you know it’s usable. Once you’re sure that it’s usable, you’ll want to get a good idea of the general size. For the most part you shouldn’t have to worry about too many people wanting to cook burgers or hotdogs at the same time. Block parties are usually dispersed enough so that people want to eat at different times. Just make sure that you have enough food for people to grill. Get a whole lot of hamburger meat, hot dogs, and buns for them both. You’ll earn a lot of appreciation from the neighborhood by grilling up the food for everyone. But most people will quickly take the hint if you just want to enjoy a tasty beverage while sitting next to it. Usually the best place to position it is on the driveway. That way you won’t have to worry about anything catching fire, or making too much of a mess. Because you can be sure that kids will be eating some pretty messy burgers in the area.
Finally, remember that the dollar store is the best friend of anyone working on a block party. It’s easy to turn some very inexpensive items into the hit of the event. For example, consider how little balloons cost. Now consider how much fun a water balloon fight on the lawn can be. Most dollar stores will also have a great selection of water guns. You can buy up an armful of them for almost nothing. And then you can leave them somewhat hidden all around your hard. Then give a quick shout to the kids, or the more adventuresome adults, about that fact. There’ll be a fun scramble for them and an even more fun water gun fight before you know it. And that’s only the beginning. Streamers, party favors, paper plates and a host of other things can be turned into great activities. A lawn, a garage and a little imagination can create a really amazing event for the entire block.
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