One of the most common and prevalent garage door dangers in Roswell, GA is fingers getting caught between the sections of the door. This injury usually occurs when children are playing with the garage door or when people are repairing them. When fingers get caught in between these joints, they are pinched and are subjected to multiple possible injuries. These can include amputations, breaks and more. The best way to prevent this injury is to make sure nobody plays with the garage door and to be careful when doing repairs.\
It might be dangerous
Falling garage doors are also a possible danger. Although this is fairly uncommon, if garage doors are old or mistreated, they have the potential to fall. Fortunately, there are often no people present when garage doors fall. Cars and other things stored in garages have a possibility of being damaged. However, insurance should cover events such as this. It is important to check the structure of garage doors regularly to see how securely they are attached. Failure to do so could result in a falling garage door.
Even when people realize that there is something wrong with the structure or operation of their garage, there is still potential for danger. People are often injured when trying to work on their own garage door. This can happen by getting fingers pinched in between rollers or from any other accidental injury. Garage door owners who see a problem with their garage door should contact a professional and then determine whether or not they should attempt the repair by themselves.
When some people try to close the garage door from inside the garage, they race out and end up injuring themselves on the way. This can result in injury either from hitting the garage door itself or falling on the ground on the way to the garage door. Garage door owners need to have patience and should always close the garage door from outside of the garage if wishing to leave. Trying to beat the garage door before it closes often results in unnecessary injuries.
Other injuries include cuts from broken glass during repairs, injuries caused by the springs in the garage door, other forms of being trapped and even from children riding the garage door itself.
Garage Door Service with a Pro
Garage doors themselves are very safe and provide a great function within a house. However, misuse of garage doors can pose several dangers. Playing with a garage door is never a good idea and one that can easily result in injuries such as broken fingers. All repairs that are done on a garage door should be checked with a professional beforehand to assess the challenges and possible risks. If there is any doubt, all homeowners should hire a professional to make the repairs for them. Perhaps the greatest way to prevent these potential dangers is to check the structure and operation of a garage door regularly. If there are any problems, they should be addressed immediately to prevent any possible dangers in the future.
For any or all of your garage door questions, contact All Four Seasons Garage Door Service in Roswell, GA. Get us on the phone at (770) 517-7078 or click on our website – All Four Seasons Garage Door Service Roswell GA.